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Indian Diggings School

The Indian Diggings Volunteer Club is a group of parents, staff, and community members that supports Indian Diggings with time and funding.  Each year we fund our week long Spring Trip, various short field trips, art, and fun activities for the students.  In order to make this happen the club puts on several fundraisers each year.  Watch for dates so you can support our cause!


Our Volunteer club/School is a 501(c)3 charitable organization and donations are tax deductible.  Please contact the school office at (530) 620-6546 for information on donations and to get a receipt with our Federal Tax ID.  Thank you for your support!



Meeting Dates 





President: Connie Frolich
Vice Presidents: Open
Treasurer: Open



Volunteer Opportunities

There are many opportunities for our Parents, Families, and Co0mmunity Members to be involved in our school.  Please take a look at the list below and see if there is something that you could offer:


At School

At Home

In the Community

Working with students in the classroom
Planning and running and activity in
Music, PE, Art, Drama, etc.
Helping prepare activities
Helping keep the school organized
Helping run a fun activity on Fridays

Correcting student work
Organizing Art Projects
Researching Field Trips
Organizing Events
Calling other parents for reminders
Special Projects

Attending publicity events
Supporting the school with conversation
Bringing back news about the community
Finding learning opportunities for the students out in the community



School Party Coordinators Needed Each Year


Harvest Fair

Stone Soup

Valentines Day Dance

Egg Hunt

-Coordinate with the office
-Organize volunteers to bring food
-Get volunteers to run games
-Organize one or two whole group activities
-Decorate the blacktop or MPR depending on weather.

-Coordinate with the office
-Get volunteers to bring ingredients for the soup
-Make sure there is someone to cook the soup on the day
make sure that there are paper products to eat on and utensils
-Decorate the MPR

-Coordinate with the office
-Organize volunteers to bring food
-Clear music with Mr. Coffin
-Have one or two whole group activities
-Decorate the MPR

-Coordinate with the office
-Organize volunteers to bring plastic eggs and filling
-Organize volunteers to hid the eggs
-Work with the 8th graders to prepare the riddles for the grand prize
-Organize volunteers to bring food


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